An excellent and relatively easy dinner.

Preheat the oven to 400°F. Salt trout, let it rest 15 minutes, drizzle good olive oil over it, and wrap it tightly in fig leaves (it took about eight big leaves from the tree in our yard, overlapped, to fully enclose two packets without holes). Bake it for about 20 minutes until flaky and done.

The fig leaves gave off an pleasant, fruity aroma as they roasted and when we tore them open, and the trout itself was moist, soft, and delicious (with almost a hint of coconut flavor from the leaves? is that crazy?)

The succotash was made from fresh-shelled cranberry beans (boiled in well-salted water), mixed with sautéed onions, dragon tongue beans, zucchini, and corn. Then at the end we mixed in some soft cheese, green coriander seeds, and basil.