I had dried fava beans, so for an afternoon snack made ful medames: soak the beans overnight, then boil them in a fresh set of water for about three hours until soft, adding enough water to keep them covered, they boiling it down and mashing them into a paste, with lemon juice, olive oil, fresh garlic, and a bit of salt. Like hummus, but earthier. Served with crumbled feta, fresh parsley, some sliced crabapples, and toasted pita bread. This was good– I’d make it again.

Then, a dinner for two: the final pair of artichokes from the CSA, cod (coated with pepper and salt, seared on both sides in a cast-iron skillet, then coated in a tahini + lemon juice mixture and broiled in the oven), and the romano beans (shallots, fennel, and cardamom seeds sauteed in a little sesame oil for 10+ minutes until translucent, mixed with from-the-CSA romano beans that had been steamed for a few minutes since they were getting tough). Not bad.