[2011 intro:] Just a place to jot down recipes, beer tasting notes, restaurants I liked, and so on. I could write these down in a notebook, but why not keep them online?

[2024 edit:] Ah, the early 2010s, when a blog felt like the easiest way to share notes and photos with friends (and recipe blogs hadn’t been overrun with ads and the obscuring, rambling style that came with that).

As I started using social media more, I drifted away from longer-form text, so this site mostly petered out in 2019. It’s too bad, because I still look back at it from time to time to jog my memory on recipes, or remember the name of some beer I liked in Belgium 13 years ago– social media history and paper are much less searchable.

In any case, I’m keeping this around as a personal time capsule, low-quality photos and all. I did split out my top homebrewing-and-similar projects in their own web site with more photos and less text, which I’ve been updating more often (http://analogrobotbrewing.com/).

Also: In 2025 I migrated this blog to Hugo in the process of moving various projects off of Wordpress, and I expect some links or images broke during the process, but it seems good enough.